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Die Landekonferenz möge beschließen:

1. Introducing remarks

We, the Young Socialists (Jusos) Rhineland-Palatinate and the Social Democratic Union of Youth (SDUY) ST. Petersburg, agreed on the establishment of a common partnership between our organisations based on the shared values and principles of social democracy.

We aim for a better understanding of each other and an improved cooperation in the promotion of democracy, social justice, non-discrimination and ecological sustainability.

We will create a network of mutual contacts on a variety of issues and levels, focussing on an annual meeting in one of our countries. To stabilise and focus our future cooperation, we agreed on several fields of concrete cooperation.

These fields are as follows:

2. Internal structure, membership policies, communication

Jusos and SDUY have different strengths and can contribute to the mutual development.

In this context, SDUY will provide the Jusos with their experience in street actions and political manifestations. They will introduce their methods of successful networking to the Jusos as well as teach them measures of fundraising for international actions.

Both organisations will exchange at least the main elements of their educational programmes. They will exchange ideas for actions and concrete programmes in English. The partners will aim for an English version of their homepages. Jusos will provide an English version of their working programme as soon as possible. They also will provide an English version of their campaign for gender equality (Gemischtgeschlechtliche Teams).

3. Civil Society

The improvement of the conditions for a viable civil society in Russia is one of the central aims of our partnership. In this context, we will include representatives from German labour Unions in our future exchange programmes. These representatives shall provide their knowledge of active political work to young members of Labour Unions. The long-term strategic aim is to create conditions for active Russian Labour Unions.

Both organisations will activate their respective social democratic organisations within the framework of the partnership. On the side of the Jusos, this means the improvement of contacts to the FES and the activation of support from the side of the FES, especially the office in St. Petersburg, for the future partnership as far as possible. This will also include the support of the FES for concrete actions from the side of the SDUY.

4. Educational Policy

This strategic orientation also influences our common position on educational policy. In this field, we commit ourselves to the long-term activation of the student’s and pupils representations in St. Petersburg. The first step in this direction will be the inclusion of representatives of the student groups of Jusos into our future exchange programme. The long-term objective is the activation of the Russian Universities as a source of new members of the SDUY.

5. Anti-fascist Engagement

The raise of fascist, nationalistic and right-wing-movements in general are a point of concern in Germany and Russia. The democratic principles of social democracy commit us to opposition against any racist, anti-democratic and xenophobic movements. Therefore, we will join our knowledge on the fight against right-wing radicalism and extremism. This includes the sharing of analysis and insight as well as the cooperation on specific actions and the preparation of campaigns.

These campaigns will include the preparation of an anti-fascist film Cinema Night until August 2007. This event will take place in Russia and Germany at the same time. For our future cooperation we aim for the organisation of an anti-fascist online conference.

The Jusos will establish a contact with the Network of Democracy and Courage (NDC). They will aim for the education of at least two members of SDUY (male/female) as teamers in the framework of the NDC. This form of cooperation could and should be enhanced in the long run to an formal exchange programme aiming for the exchange of experiences of anti fascist knowledge between both parties.

6. International Relations

In the field of international relations, we share the believe, that human rights, have to be the foundation of an international order. On the European level, the European Council in Strasbourg accomplishes a central importance to the guarantee of human rights. The Russian presidency of the council in 2007 will give the country the greatest responsibility as a controller of human rights. Therefore we will carefully follow the performance of Russia during her presidency of the European Council. Jusos and SDUY will carry out a “Council of Europe Action Day” at the beginning of the Russian presidency. This action day will take place in Russia and Germany at the same time. The organisations will follow closely the performance of Russia as the president of the CoE.

The Jusos will include the experience of the SDUY in their preparation for the G8 Anti-summit in Germany. On an organisational level, Jusos will support the inclusion of the SDUY in the preparation of the Jusos Mecklenburg-Vorpommern by establishing contacts and urge for a formal invitation to the preperationary conference in October. On the substantial level, Jusos Rhineland-Palatinate will include the experience of SDUY in the work of the Regional Commission for International Relations. SDUY will provide the Jusos with the information necessary to carry out the “Court Game”. The Jusos will forward this information as an action proposal for the local level units (Unterbezirke).

International cooperation can be fostered by a common institutional framework. In this context SDUY and Jusos will support each other in the IUSY-framework.

7. Communication

SDUY and Jusos will meet each other at least one time every year, each year in the other country. The meeting will be organised for the second half of each year. In the first half of each year, SDUY and Jusos will contact each other in online-conferences. Each organisation will name a person who is responsible for the organisation of the national sides of these conferences. 

SDUY and Jusos will define responsible persons for all the projects defined. These persons will keep each other informed on their respective topics. For the inter-group communication, an online forum will be established.

The Jusos will enable the SDUY to publish articles in the Jusos newspaper “Sozial ist muss” that is published every four month.

8. Final provision and conclusion

This paper will be valid after ratification by the conferences of both organisations.

In carrying out the action proposals described above, we follow the general aim of improving the conditions for social democracy in our countries. Our long-term goal is the establishment of an active, politicized and sustainable social democratic movement far beyond the border of our parties.

We also follow the aim to improve the understanding of each other and of our countries.